"The Government planned to lay off the equivalent of 772 fulltime teachers, but backed down days before the 1106 affected schools were to be told."Tolley decided to back out of the plan just days before the May 28 budget when she realised that so many jobs would be lossed.
"I don't think that I thought they were actual staff. I didn't realise that they were actually all in place," she said. "I still thought that we were talking about it as being in the future."Obviously, Tolley is under the impression that the ministry pays imaginary staff that can be laid off at any time. She also implies that if the cuts had been in the future she would have no problem with it. This is concerning as I don't see how the education system can be improved by cutting staff numbers.
"...the plan was so far advanced that a communication proposal was agreed on. The proposal mapped out ways to "help minimise concerns" and stop schools from sabotaging the new national standards in protest."Obviously the minister knew that this wasn't a good look so she had the spin doctors create a story to make it all look credible and responsible as if she was making progress by cutting staff.
Tolley is obviously in-competent and stupid. She says that she wants to improve the education sector and provide a better education for all kids in New Zealand, how did she expect to achieve this by laying off primary school teachers? Does she expect kids to learn on their own? Tolley says she didn't fully understand the proposal but she signed off on it anyway. Her lack of comprehension is an excellent example of how the NZ education system failed to educate her to a high standard. Why do we have a minister that is not able to comprehend what she reads? Is this the standard put forward by the National government? If so, NZ should be very concerned.
The change for the sake of change everyone is after might just ruin this country.
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